The Community Building Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month starting at 5:00pm. This meeting is held in the lower level of the building in the board room.  Entrance can be gained from the door directly across from the stop sign in the parking lot labeled Office and then proceed to the lower level.





Board Meeting January







COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 10/19/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Scherbarth, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion and voice vote to  accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 09/21/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Darrel Davis Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Darrel Davis Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Bowley, Don Banks; 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Audit - Final| Discussion | Action 

New Business:  

A. Community Donation | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Scherbarth Discussion 

Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall; Dana Logsdon 

Unfinished Business |  

 A. None 

New Business |  

A. Parking Lot Use Policy | Discussion 

B. Illinois Paid Leave Act Policy | Discussion 

C. Equal Employment Opportunities Statement | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Building Efis cracking | Update 

B. Insurance Policy/Coverage | D&O Effective 9-27-23 

C. Auditorium Floor | Update 

New Business:  

A. 5 year plan | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

 Events | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session  

Closed Session: For the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,  performance, or dismissal of specific employees; the formation of contracts and/or any legal matters of  the Community Building Complex of Boone County. Motion/Roll call vote 

11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | November Committee Meeting Tuesday 11/7/2023 12:00 noon at Ned’s. Come  early for lunch. 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday November 16, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building  Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for October 19, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 9/21/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair K. Scherbarth. The pledge of allegiance was led by K. Scherbarth.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, J. Bauman, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, K. Scherbarth and R. Wait.  

Absent: K. Hall, B. Turner 

CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to approve the agenda for 9/21/2023. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

R. Bowley made a motion seconded by D. Davis to approve the minutes for 8/17/23. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: D. Davis 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $62,000.00  

Other income: $3,811.38 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $65,811.38 

Total expenses: $27,683.76 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $25,053.75 (Does include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

D. Logsdon made a motion seconded by D. Banks to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by D. Banks to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: D. Davis 

Committee Report: D. Davis 

Unfinished Business:  

A. Audit | Update | J. Sullinger | Audit draft has been issued. Final report – Clean  audit; good standing; report will be available for next board meeting. 

New Business: 

A. Positive Pay | J. Sullinger | Positive Pay has been set up with Byron Bank. Manager Report | J. Sullinger 

$78,000.00 deposited 9/21/2023.  

Blackhawk Bank is changing over to First Mid Bank & Trust.

Page 1 of 2 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Scherbarth 

Committee Report: K. Scherbarth  

Unfinished Business:  

Boone County EMS Plan | D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to vote  down approval of Boone County EMS Plan. A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes.  Motion carried. 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | Discussion | Parking lot rental w/bathrooms 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow/J. Sullinger  

Unfinished Business:  

A. Building efis cracking | Update | J. Sullinger 

Project was completed with the exception of the CBC Manager’s office. This is  scheduled to be completed as soon as possible. 

B. Carnival Damage | Update | J. Sullinger 

Reimbursement for fees incurred by CBC for damage to the lot have been received. C. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Discussion | Vote | J. Sullinger 

Item # 1 Errors & Omissions Coverage  

D. Banks made a motion seconded by D. Davis to add Director and Officers  Insurance coverage for cost of $770.00 this year. A roll call vote was taken with all  voting yes. Motion carried. 

Item # 3 Rebuild Amount – tabled for further information 

Item # 4 Deductible – Board in agreement to retain the current deductible at  $2500.00.  

Item # 5 Tornado Shelter  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to retain the current insurance carrier.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion | Tornado shelter coverage would not be included with the current insurance  carrier. The cost for the new insurance carrier was significantly more with an extensive list  of requirements.  

D. Auditorium Floor | Update | J. Sullinger 

Scheduled for repair October 2, 2023. Refinishing of the entire floor will be in the  Spring of 2024. 

New Business: None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None  

Other Business:  

A. Keen Age Center Council on Aging 50th anniversary celebration is on 10/4/2023  from 2-4 pm open house. 

B. Chamber Dinner Thursday October 5, 2023 5-8 p.m. @ Radisson 

C. J. Sullinger attended focus group for Belvidere community on 10 year master plan  for tourism 

D. J. Sullinger attended IDOT informational meeting on train services to Belvidere 

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board J. Bauman made a motion seconded by  J. McMorrow to adjourn the meeting at 5:54 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker

Page 2 of 2 


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 09/21/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion and voice vote to  accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 08/17/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Darrel Davis Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Darrel Davis Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Bowley, Don Banks; 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Audit| Update 

New Business:  

A. Positive Pay | Update 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion 

Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall; Dana Logsdon 

Unfinished Business |  

 A. Boone County EMS Plan| Discussion |Vote 

New Business |  

A. None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Building Efis cracking | Update 

B. Carnival Damage | Update 

C. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Update | Discussion| Vote 

D. Auditorium Floor | Update 

New Business:  

A. None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Growth Dimension Dinner Tuesday Sept. 19, 2023 5-8 p.m. @ Community Building B. Chamber Dinner Thursday October 5, 2023 5-8 p.m. @ Radisson 

 Events | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Back to School Food Truck Event 8/22/23 went great. Moved indoors 

B. Craft/Vendor Fair Saturday November 4th, 2023 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | October Committee Meeting Tuesday 10/4/2023 12:00 noon at Ned’s. Come early  for lunch. 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday October 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building  Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for September 21, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 

Meeting Date: 8/17/2023 

Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of Boone County, IL 

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by D. Banks. The pledge of allegiance was led by D. Banks

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, J. Bauman, R. Bowley, D. Davis, K. Hall, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, and B. Turner

Absent: K. Scherbarth, R. Wait 

CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance

Meeting agenda

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve the agenda for 8/17/2023. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes

J. Sullinger requested to amend meeting minutes dated 7/20/23 to update K. Humphrey to K. Scherbarth. D. Logsdon made a motion seconded by R. Bowley to approve the amended minutes for 7/20/23

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried

Discussion: None 

Treasurer's Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: D. Davis 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $70,500.00 

Other income: $6,133.38 (Includes interest, rentals & public support

Total Income: $76,633.38 

Total expenses: $23,782.92 (Does not include depreciation

Net income: $39,776.60 (Does include depreciation

Discussion: None 

R. Bowley made a motion seconded by K. Hall to file the Treasurer's report

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted. A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried

Discussion: None 

Public Input: - None 

Committee reports

Finance Committee: Chair: D. Davis 

Committee Report: D. Davis 

Unfinished Business

A. Audit | Update | J. Sullinger | Audit completed 8/17/2023; Report to be prepared by 

auditors for Board review

B. Check Signers Update | J. Sullinger | In progress; Expect to be completed week 


Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None 

Page 1 of

New Business

A. Board in agreement for J. Sullinger to look into Positive Pay as a preventive measure 

and move forward if the cost is minimal as an office expense

Manager Report | J. Sullinger 

$62,000.00 deposited 8/17/2023. D. Davis is finance committee chair as determined at the July Board meeting

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Scherbarth 

Committee Report: K. Scherbarth 

Unfinished Business

Boone County EMS Plan | Tabled - waiting on quotes from Insurance carrier Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow/J. Sullinger Unfinished Business

A. Building efis cracking | Update | J. Sullinger 

Project completion scheduled for Week of 8/28/23 

B. Carnival Damage | Update | J. Sullinger 

Repairs were made; invoice and photos were sent to the carnival company with a letter stating that damage reimbursement was necessary to be allowed onto the property. City of Belvidere was notified

C. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Discussion | Vote | J. Sullinger 

Item # 1 Errors & Omissions Coverage - tabled until quotes received 

Item # 2 Liability coverage based on square footage 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to approve to increase the square 

footage on the insurance policy from 15,000 sq. ft to actual footage of 35,236 sq. ft in the amount not to exceed $7000.00 increase in premium

A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried

Item # 3 Rebuild Amount - tabled for further information 

Item # 4 Deductible - Board in agreement to retain the current deductible at $2500.00. J. Sullinger to look into cost of $1000.00 deductible

Item # 5 Tornado Shelter - tabled until quote received 

E. Auditorium Floor | Update | J. Sullinger 

Moisture testing being performed and scheduling a date for sanding. Blending with main floor will be completed in March of 2024 when regularly schedule floor maintenance is performed

New Business: None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None 

Other Business

A. Back to School Fund Truck Event | August 22,2023 

B. Annual Reception for Growth Dimensions 9/19/23 at 5 p.m. 

Chairman's Report 

Closed Session 

None None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board J. McMorrow made a motion seconded by B. Turner to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker 

Page 2 of


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 08/17/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion and voice vote to  accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 07/20/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion 

Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Audit| Update 

B. Check Signers | Update 

New Business |None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion 

Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall; Dana Logsdon 

Unfinished Business |  

 A. Boone County EMS Plan| Discussion/Vote 

New Business |  

A. None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Building Efis cracking | Update 

B. Carnival Damage | Update 

C. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Discussion| Vote 

D. Auditorium Floor | Update 

New Business:  

A. None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Back to School Food Truck Event | August 22, 2023 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | September Committee Meeting Tuesday 9/5/2023 12:00 noon at Ned’s. Come  early for lunch. 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday September 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building  Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for August 17, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 7/20/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair  K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, J. Bauman, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, K. Hall, K. Humphrey, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, B. Turner and R. Wait. Absent: None CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to approve the agenda for 7/20/2023. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

J. McMorrow made a motion seconded by D. Davis to approve the meeting minutes dated  06/15/23. 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $65,000.00  

Other income: $11,200.06 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $76,200.06 

Total expenses: $18,972.02 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $57,228.04 (Does not include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

D. Banks made a motion seconded by K. Hall to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

K. Hall made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

Unfinished Business:  

A. Audit | Update J. Sullinger | In progress 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey  

Unfinished Business:  

Boone County EMS Plan | Discussion | Insurance Policy Coverage Impact; EMS plan  concerns; Security; Liability 

The Board was in consensus for further investigation 

Page 1 of 2 

New Business:  

Executive Board Positions | 

R. Wait made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to keep existing Executive Board  Positions with the exception of R. Bowley to be replaced by D. Davis as Treasurer. R. Wait made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to close the ballot. 

A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by R. Wait to update bank signatures as follows: D. Davis to replace R. Bowley, R. Wait to replace J. McMorrow. Signers on all bank  accounts (Byron Bank, Blackhawk Bank and Solutions Bank) should be update to: K.  Humphrey, R. Wait, J. Bauman and D. Davis. 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow/J. Sullinger  

Unfinished Business:  

A. LL bathroom renovation | Complete 

B. Building efis cracking | Update  

Project completion scheduled for September 2023 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

Inspection completed – Summary presented 

D. Heritage Days Review | Parking lot damage 

E. Insurance Policy/Coverage 

Board in agreement to form a committee of the following: 

D. Banks, J. Sullinger, B. Turner, and R. Wait to evaluate options for insurance policy  renewal and present to the Board for decision. 

New Business: 

A. Auditorium Floor/AC Unit | J. Sullinger | Floor Repair 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | None  

Other Business:  

A. Staff working fair gate on Tuesday August 8, 2023 

B. Back to School Fund Truck Event| August 22,2023 

C. Fall Craft/Vendor Event | Saturday November 4, 2023 

D. Terms Expiring | J. Bauman, D. Banks, K. Hall, R Wait – all terms have been  confirmed 

E. There will be no committee meeting in August. 

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board R. Wait made a motion seconded by  D. Logsdon to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 07/20/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion and voice vote to  accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 06/15/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion 

Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

 A. Audit| Update 

New Business |None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion 

Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Unfinished Business |  

 A. Boone County EMS Plan| Discussion/Vote 

New Business |  

A. Executive Board Positions | Discussion/Vote 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. Building efis cracking | Update 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

D. Heritage Days| Discussion 

E. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Update/Discussion 

New Business:  

A. Auditorium Floor/AC Unit | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Staff work fair gate on Tuesday August 8, 2023 

B. Back to School Food Truck Event | August 22, 2023 

C. Fall Craft/Vendor Event | Saturday November 4, 2023 

D. Terms Expiring | Joy Bauman, Don Banks, Kris Hall, Ron Wait  

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | August Committee Meeting Tuesday 8/1/2023 Julie will not be present Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday August 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 6/15/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair  K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: J. Bauman, R. Bowley,  K. Hall, D. Logsdon, B. Turner. Absent: D. Banks, D. Davis, J. McMorrow, R. Wait CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Logsdon made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to approve the agenda for 6/15/2023. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

R. Bowley made a motion seconded by B. Turner to approve the meeting minutes dated  06/15/23. 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $50,000.00  

Other income: $3,298.42 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $53,298.42 

Total expenses: $47,442.88 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $5,855.54 (Does not include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

K. Hall made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

D. Logsdon made a motion seconded by K. Hall to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

Unfinished Business:  

A. Budget for FY 23-24 | Update J. Sullinger 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | $65,000.00 deposited 6/15/2023; Annual audit  documentation preparation has begun. 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey  

New Business: None 

Unfinished Business: None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger | Executive Board Position election in July

Page 1 of 2 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow/J. Sullinger  

Unfinished Business:  

A. LL bathroom renovation | Update 

Project complete – Continue to work on punch list 

B. Building efis cracking | Update  

Project completion scheduled for June 2023 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

Project completion scheduled for June 2023 

D. Main Street Storage Area | Update 

Storage area project in process 

New Business: 

A. Boone County EMS Plan| Discussion 

J. Sullinger | Reviewed Tornado Refuge Proposal from Dan Zaccard Boone County  Emergency Management; Concerns | R. Bowley; Concerns | J. Sullinger; Concerns |  J. McMorrow; 

Discussion | Liability Responsibility; Staffing Responsibility; Community Support;  Committee; Plan 

B. Heritage Days Walk Through| Discussion 

J. Sullinger | Walk through completed 

C. Insurance Policy Coverage| Discussion 

J. Sullinger | Update policy coverage options 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger  

 Update | LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) | Discussion 

 Board in agreement Julie not be a member of this committee at this time Other Business:  

A. Back to School Fund Truck Event| August 22,2023 

B. Fall Craft/Vendor Event | Saturday November 4, 2023 

C. Other | Picnic of Appreciation Invitation 

D. Community Event | Heritage Days June 23 & 24, 2023 

E. Terms Expiring | J. Bauman, D. Banks, K. Hall, R Wait 

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session  

Action taken as a result of closed session:  

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board D. Logsdon made a motion seconded by  J. Bauman to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker 


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 07/20/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion and voice vote to  accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 06/15/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion 

Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

 A. Audit| Update 

New Business |None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion 

Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Unfinished Business |  

 A. Boone County EMS Plan| Discussion/Vote 

New Business |  

A. Executive Board Positions | Discussion/Vote 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. Building efis cracking | Update 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

D. Heritage Days| Discussion 

E. Insurance Policy/Coverage | Update/Discussion 

New Business:  

A. Auditorium Floor/AC Unit | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Staff work fair gate on Tuesday August 8, 2023 

B. Back to School Food Truck Event | August 22, 2023 

C. Fall Craft/Vendor Event | Saturday November 4, 2023 

D. Terms Expiring | Joy Bauman, Don Banks, Kris Hall, Ron Wait  

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | August Committee Meeting Tuesday 8/1/2023 Julie will not be present Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday August 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 05/18/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 04/20/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Budget for FY 23-24| Discussion & Action Motion to approve | Roll Call Vote Closed Session (Executive Session) Motion to go into closed session Roll Call Vote Read the following as part of the motion | 

2(C)(1), 5 ILCS 120/2 (C)(1) To consider the appointment, employment, compensation,  discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve  as independent contractors, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for  the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an  employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor, or a volunteer  or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Public Act 101-459  effective August 23, 2019. 

Resume Open Session | Attendance 

Action taken as a result of closed session | Motion to approve | Roll Call Vote 

New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Unfinished Business: 

A. None 

∙ New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. Building efis cracking | Update 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

D. Lift | Update 

E. Parking Lot Use request | Update 

New Business:  

A. Main Street Storage Areas | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for May 18, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 2 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Craft Vendor Fair – 5/6/23 | Review 

B. Back to School Food Truck Event | Update 

C. Terms Expiring | Joy Bauman, Don Banks, Kris Hall, Ron Wait  

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - June 6, 2023 @ Ned’s.  Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday June 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community  Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 5/18/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair  K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, B. Turner and R. Wait. Absent: J. Bauman, K. Hall. CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve the agenda for 5/18/2023. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

R. Wait made a motion seconded by D. Davis to approve the meeting minutes dated 04/20/23. A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $60,000.00  

Other income: $5,825.31 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $65,825.31 

Total expenses: $22,041.24 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $43,784.07 (Does not include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

J. McMorrow made a motion seconded by D. Davis to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

D. Banks made a motion seconded by D. Davis to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

Unfinished Business:  

A. Budget for FY 23-24 – See action taken as a result of closed session 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger: None 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey  

New Business: None 

Unfinished Business: None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger None 

Discussion | Chair K. Humphrey to issue review form to Board members to complete a  performance review for Manager J. Sullinger.

Page 1 of 2 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow/J. Sullinger  

Unfinished Business:  

A. LL bathroom renovation | Update 

Project complete – 5/12/2023 except for minor items 

B. Building efis cracking | Update  

Project completion scheduled for June 2023 

C. Structural Engineer Inspection | Update 

Project completion scheduled for June 2023 

D. Lift | Update 

Project completion scheduled for May 2023 

E. Parking Lot Use Request | Update 

Project proposal declined 

New Business: 

A. Main Street Storage Areas | Discussion 

Review of storage areas utilized at CBC by Main Street Storage 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger  

 Update | Property Taxes for 127 2nd Street property 

Other Business:  

A. Craft Vendor Fair | Successful 

B. Back To School Food Truck Event | August 8/22/23 4-6 p.m. 

C. Terms Expiring | J. Bauman, D. Banks, K. Hall, R Wait 

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session  

D. Banks made a motion seconded by D. Davis to go to executive session at 5:22 p.m.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. J. Sullinger and T. Becker left the  meeting. 

Open Session Resumed 

Open Session was resumed at 5:38 p.m. 

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, B. Turner and R. Wait. Absent: J. Bauman, K. Hall. CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Action taken as a result of closed session:  

J. McMorrow made a motion seconded by D. Davis to approve the FY 23-24 proposed budget  with changes.  

A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: Budget amounts for: Manager salary; Administrative salary; Repairs and  Maintenance funds; Equipment Replacement/New Equipment. 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board R. Wait made a motion seconded by  J. McMorrow to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 04/20/2023 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 03/16/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

A. CD | Discussion 

B. Proposed Budget for FY 23-24 | Discussion 

New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Purchasing Policy | Action (Vote to approve) Roll Call Vote ∙ New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. Painting | Update 

C. Building efis cracking | Action (Vote to approve) Roll Call Vote New Business:  

A. Storm Update: Building Inspection | Discussion 

B. Parking Lot Use Request | Action (Vote to approve) Roll Call Vote Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Spring has Sprung Bunny Event | Review 

B. Craft/Vendor Fair – 5/6/23 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - May 2, 2023 @ Ned’s.  

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday May 18, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community  Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for April 20, 2023 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 4/20/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair  K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: J. Bauman, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, B. Turner and R. Wait. Absent: D. Banks, K. Hall.  CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by R. Bowley to approve the agenda for 4/20/2023  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

R. Wait made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve the meeting minutes dated  03/16/23. 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $43,000.00  

Other income: $3,082.63 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $46,082.63 

Total expenses: $26,901.26 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $19,181.37 (Does not include depreciation) 

Q1 2023 Report: 

Total Current Assets $1,470,678.40 Total Fixed Assets $3,734,776.67  

Total Combined Assets $5,205,455.07 

Total Liabilities $1,099,490.43 Total Equity $4,105,964.64 

Total Liabilities & Equity $5,205,455.07 

Discussion: None 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

Unfinished Business |  

A. CD/Banking | CD process complete. Money transferred from Solutions  Bank to Byron Bank for said CD.

Page 1 of 3 

B. Proposed Budget for FY 23-24 Presented for review 

Discussion | Committee requests input or questions to be submitted to be considered  for final budget including any items from (5) year improvement plan; part time  employee wages are included in proposed budget; Manager and secretary to be  considered before budget vote during executive session at next meeting; Goal is to  finalize budget at the May Board Meeting. 

Roof repairs included in current budget and purchase of new lift funds available in  current budget. 

New Business | None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger  

Tax deposit for April 2023 was $60,000.00 deposited 4/20/2023 

Discussion | Blackhawk Bank going through a merger to be completed by year end to  FirstMid. 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey  

Unfinished Business | 

A. Purchasing Policy | D. Davis made a motion seconded by D. Logsdon to approve  the Purchasing Policy with noted updates. 

A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion | Changes were approved by the attorney. 

New Business | None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger None 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow  

Unfinished Business |  

A. LL bathroom renovation update |Project nearing completion. Inside work close and  outside work to be completed when weather and schedule allows.  

B. Painting | Complete 

C. Building efis cracking | No motion 

Discussion | Board in agreement for structural engineer inspection before  proceeding 

New Business |  

A. Storm Update | Board in agreement for structural engineer inspection as a proactive  measure due to recent storms. 

B. Parking Lot Use Request | D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to  approve Pearl Place resident parking in the Community Building Complex parking lot  contingent on: 

a. Copy of insurance coverage for vehicles parked in their lot provided by  Gorman & Company naming the CBC as additionally insured OR a rider of  the said coverage to the CBC policy to be paid for by Gorman & Company  

b. Installing a permanent walkway from Pearl Place to the CBC parking lot at  the expense of Gorman & Company 

c. Gorman & Company responsible to maintain the sidewalk including snow  removal 

d. Parking passes to be issued by CBC to Pearl Place residents. Residents would  need to complete registration form to include vehicle identification as well as  contact information of the owner. Also will have the understanding that  

unauthorized vehicles not following the municipal lot rules will be towed at the  owners expense. 

Page 2 of 3 

A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried.  

Discussion | Board in agreement to help the local residents during this remodel  without incurring additional costs to the CBC. 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger None 

Other Business:  

A. Spring has Sprung Bunny Event | Great reviews 

B. Craft Vendor Fair 5/6/23 

Manager Information | J. Sullinger  

A. Ace Hardware closing last day is Saturday 4/22/23 

B. Property adjacent to CBC parking lot is being sold; 2 apartments; each level 1200  sq. ft.  

C. East Ave & Logan Old School Building is being sold;  

D. Board member terms expiring 6/30/23 

a. Joy Bauman 

b. Don Banks 

c. Ron Wait 

d. Kris Hall 

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board D. Davis made a motion seconded by  J. McMorrow to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 03/16/2023 4:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 02/16/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Unfinished Business: 

A. CD 

B. Budget Meeting 

New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Public Input Policy | Approve 

B. Purchasing Policy | Discussion 

∙ New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. Building efis cracking | Update 

New Business: None 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Other | Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

A. Rio Movie 2/24/23 | Review 

B. Spring has Sprung Bunny Event 3/20/23 4-6 p.m. 

C. Craft/Vendor Fair – 5/6/23 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - April 4, 2023 @ Ned’s.  

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday April 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community  Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for March 16, 2022 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Boone County, Illinois 

Meeting Date: 3/16/2023 Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of  Boone County, IL  

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair  K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey.  

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: D. Banks, J. Bauman, R. Bowley,  D. Davis, K. Hall, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow, B. Turner and R. Wait. Absent: None CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance.  Meeting agenda:  

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to amend to agenda to read 5:00 p.m.  D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve the agenda for 3/16/2023  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes:  

R. Wait made a motion seconded by R. Bowley to approve the meeting minutes (with time  change) dated 02/16/23 . 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer’s Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $56,000.00  

Other income: $2,026.27 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $58,026.27 

Total expenses: $25,165.70 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $32,860.57 (Does not include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

K. Hall made a motion seconded by D. Davis to file the Treasurer’s report.  A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid  

D. Banks made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted.  A roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: – None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

New Business:  

A. CD/Banking | D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to move $500,000  from Solutions Bank to Byron Bank for a CD term of 11 months at a rate of 4.32%.  A roll call vote was taken with (9) voting yes (1) abstain D. Banks. Motion carried. Note: D. Banks left the meeting at 5:07 p.m.; returned at 5:10 p.m. 

B. Budget Meeting | CBC Director and Finance Committee chair to meet 3/23/23 to  begin discussion on FY 2023-2024 budget. All committee members requested to bring  forth items to be included in FY 2023-2024 budget. 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger 

Page 1 of 2 

Tax deposit for March 2023 was $42,000.00 deposited 3/15/2023 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey  

New Business 

A. Public Input Policy | Amendment on 2nd paragraph Board of Commissioner to  committee. D. Banks made a motion seconded by D. Logsdon to approve the Public  Input Policy as amended. 

A voice vote was taken with all voting yes Motion carried. 

B. Purchasing Policy | Discussion 

State limit; verbiage changes; verify with attorney before approval 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger None 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow  

Unfinished Business:  

A. LL bathroom renovation update 

Project schedule meeting held 3/16/23. Completion date 3/24/23 with exception to  terrazzo flooring to be completed in April and outside drainage work when weather  breaks.  

B. Building efis cracking | Discussion: Building exterior damage picture and discussion  of options for repairs and scheduling 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger  

 Painting of lower level in progress; lift repair vs. used equipment continue search. New Business: None 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger None 

Other Business:  

A. Rio Movie | Well attended 

B. Spring has Sprung Bunny Event 3/20/23 4-6 p.m. 

C. Craft Vendor Fair 5/6/23  

Chairman’s Report None 

Closed Session None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board D. Davis made a motion seconded by  K. Hall to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker


COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 02/16/2023 4:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda. 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote ∙ Board meeting Minutes dated 12/15/22 

∙ Board Meeting Minutes dated 01/19/23 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

New Business: 

A. CD/Banking 

B. Purchasing Policy – Update 

C. Paypal/Zelle 

D. Budget Meeting 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

New Business: 

A. Policy for Public Comment 

B. Purchasing Policy | Review and update 

C. Economic Interest Statement(s) due by 5/1/23 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

Unfinished Business: 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update 

B. 5 year plan Lower Level painting | Update 

New Business: 

A. Peanuts Movie | Review 

B. Rio (Movie) | Friday 2/24/23 

C. Craft Vendor Fair | Saturday 5/6/23 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

9. Chairman’s Report 

10. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote 11. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 12. Round table comments/community update 

13. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - March 7, 2023 @ Ned’s.  

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday March 16, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community  Building Complex Board Room 

14. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for February 16, 2022 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 




111 West 1ST Street Belvidere, IL 61008 

Meeting Date: 2/23/2023 

Time: 5:00 P.M. 

Boone County, Illinois 

Note: Meeting originally scheduled for 2/16/23 canceled due to weather. Meeting Location: Community Building Complex of Boone County 111 West 1st Street Belvidere, IL Meeting: Scheduled Board Meeting of Board of Trustees of the Community Building Complex of Boone County, IL 

The Community Building Complex Committee meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chair K. Humphrey. The pledge of allegiance was led by Chair K. Humphrey. 

Oath of Office | Dana Logsdon took the oath of office as a Community Building Complex Board of Trustee member. 

Attendance was taken; In attendance: Committee Members: J. Bauman, R. Bowley, 

D. Davis, D. Logsdon, J. McMorrow and R. Wait. Absent: D. Banks, K. Hall, B. Turner 

CBC Manager: J. Sullinger. Adm. Assistant: T. Becker were also in attendance. 

Meeting agenda: 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. Bauman to approve the agenda for 2/16/2023 (Canceled due to weather held on 2/23/2023). 

A voice vote was taken with (6) voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Approval of meeting minutes: 

R. Wait made a motion seconded by R. Bowley to approve the meeting minutes dated 12/15/22 and 1/19/23. 

A voice vote was taken with (6) voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Treasurer's Financial Report: Committee Treasurer: R. Bowley 

Sales Tax Revenue & Receipts: $62,000.00 

Other income: $8,621.87 (Includes interest, rentals & public support) 

Total Income: $70,621.87 

Total expenses: $24,816.64 (Does not include depreciation) 

Net income: $45,805.23 (Does not include depreciation) 

Discussion: None 

J. McMorrow made a motion seconded by D. Davis to file the Treasurer's report. 

A voice vote was taken with (6) voting yes Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Bills to be Paid 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by R. Wait to approve Bills to be Paid as submitted. A roll call vote was taken with (6) voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: None 

Public Input: - None 

Committee reports: 

Finance Committee: Chair: R. Bowley 

Committee Report: R. Bowley 

New Business: 

A. CD/Banking | R. Wait made a motion seconded by D. Davis to move $500k from 

Solutions Bank to a local bank for a CD for term no less than 1 year. 

A roll call vote was taken with (6) voting yes. Motion carried. 

Discussion: Finance committee will review local banks for best CD rate and recommend best action to be taken. 

Page 1 of 2 

B. Paypal/Zelle | J. Sullinger made a recommendation to add payment option of 

Paypal for the CBC. This will be at no cost to CBC; a 4% transaction charge will be passed on to the customer. 

C. Budget Meeting | R. Bowley Request for board members to turn in to Julie any 

requests for next year's budget. Finance committee will begin reviewing new budget. 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger 

Tax deposit for Feb. 2023 was $56,000.00 deposited 2/16/2023 

Arts Council requesting $1k for upgrade of Belvidere Seed Mural at 426 S. State St. 

oxel Belvidere, IL. This is a budget item no vote required. 

Commitment Letter to Eder & Casella will be coming up; satisfied with previous audits will be using them again this year. 

Discussion: None 

Rules and Regulations Committee: Chair: K. Humphrey 

Committee Report: K. Humphrey 

Manager Report | J. Sullinger 

New Business 

A. Public Input Policy and Purchasing Policy presented for and update. The committee 

will review for changes to Julie prior to next board meeting so that a final copy can be presented at the next board meeting. 

B. Economic Interest Statement(s) are due by 5/1/2023. 

Building & Ground Committee: Chair: J. McMorrow 

Committee Report: J. McMorrow 

Unfinished Business: 

A. LL bathroom renovation update 

D. Davis made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to increase contingency for LL bathroom renovation by $10k. 

A roll call vote was taken with (6) voting yes. Motion carried. 

B. 5 yr. plan | J. Sullinger Maintenance at CBC is painting providing a cost savings for 


C. Building Leaks | J. Sullinger Photos presented on inspection of building leaks. 

Obtaining quotes for repair. 

D. Hydraulic Lift | J. Sullinger 25 ft. lift is in need of repairs quoted at $2,800.00. Obtaining quotes for used model (smaller scale) to compare repairs versus new used lift. Unit was purchased in 2008 used. 

New Business: 

A. Peanuts Movie | 170 people attended 

B. Rio Movie | 2/24/23 

C. Craft Vendor Fair 5/6/23 50 booth available- 3/4 are sold. 

Chairman's Report None 

Closed Session None 

Action taken as a result of closed session: None 

Round Table Community Update 

Meeting adjournment 

There being nothing further to come before the board R. Wait made a motion seconded by J. McMorrow to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted 

Teri Becker 

Page 2 of 2 







Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday, January 20, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Greg Brown, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, December 16, 2021 Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

3. New Business: 

a. Banking – need to appoint signer’s 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. Alcohol policy 

3. New Business: 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation 

b. Sidewalk – between CBC & Pearl Place 

b. Roof/ephus 

c. 5 year plan – in progress 

d. Gutters install 

e. On call alarm person 

3. New Business: 

a. Staff/open position(s) set salary

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

Chairman’s Report – Greg Brown 

Other Business  

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, February 1, 2022 – Meeting: 11:30 AM @ Steam Plant;  Lunch Optional after meeting 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday February 17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday, February 17, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Greg Brown, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, January 20, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Banking  

3. New Business: 

a. Audit – need to approve auditor 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. Staff opening(s) 

3. New Business: None 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation update 

b. Sidewalk – between CBC & Pearl Place – No update 

b. Parking log study – Bidding update 

c. 5 year plan – Add alarm system 

3. New Business: 

a. Lawn care/grounds maintenance 

b. Office- Replace carpet/repaint

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

Chairman’s Report – Greg Brown 

Other Business  

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, March 1, 2022 – Meeting: 11:30 AM @ Steam Plant; Lunch  Optional after meeting 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday March 17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Wednesday March 16, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Greg Brown, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, February 17, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Banking  

3. New Business: 

a. Budget for FY 22-23 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. Staff opening(s) 

b. Alcohol policy review 

3. New Business:  

a. Statement of Economic Interests to be filed 

b. Absentee voting policy  

c. Staff retention 

d. Board member position

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation update 

b. Parking lot update 

c. 5 year plan  

3. New Business: None 


Chairman’s Report – Greg Brown 

Other Business  

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, April 1, 2022 – Meeting: 11:30 AM @ Steam Plant; Lunch  Optional after meeting 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday April 21, 2022 at 5:00 p.m

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday April 21, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Katie Humphrey, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, March 16, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Banking  

3. New Business: 

a. Budget for FY 22-23 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. New staff 

b. Staff – thank you 

c. Board Member position advertised 

3. New Business:  

a. One signature policy 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation update 

b. Parking lot – work to begin June 1, 2022 

c. 5 year plan 

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

3. New Business:  

a. Lawn care/grounds maintenance – Nico’s Landscaping 

b. Food Truck 

Chairman’s Report – Katie Humphrey 

Other Business  

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, May 3, 2022 – Meeting: 11:30 AM @ Ned’s Diner; Lunch  Optional after meeting 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday May 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday May 16, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Katie Humphrey, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, April 21, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Banking 

b. Budget for FY 22-23 

3. New Business: None 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. Board member positions open 

3. New Business:  

a. Executive Board positions & committees – July 2022 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation update 

b. Parking lot – work to begin June 1, 2022; letter to residents and businesses c. 5 year plan  

3. New Business: None 

Chairman’s Report – Katie Humphrey 

Other Business 

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, June 7, 2022 – Meeting: 12:00 PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive  early for lunch. 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday June 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday June 16, 2022 5:00 p.m.  Call to Order – Katie Humphrey, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, May 19, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Banking – new accounts @ Byron Bank open 

b. Budget for BY 22-23 

3. New Business: None 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. Open Board member position(s) and/or expiring terms 

3. New Business:  

a. Executive Board positions & committees – July 2022 

b. DEI Research 

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Lower level bathroom renovation 

b. Parking lot – work started 5/31/22 

c. 5 year plan – building alarm quote; paint lower level

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

3. New Business:  

a. Control of animals in lot(s) 

b. Heritage Days – carnival guidelines 


Chairman’s Report – Katie Humphrey 

Other Business  

a. Website 

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, July 5, 2022 – Meeting: 12:00 PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive early  for lunch. 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday July 21, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. 

Meet new school Superintendent Thursday June 16, 2022 4-6 p.m. @ Belvidere North

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda  Regular Meeting Thursday July 21, 2022 5:00 p.m.  

Call to Order – Katie Humphrey, Chairman 


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, June 16, 2022 

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley 

Approval of Bills 

Audience/Visitor Participation: 

Committee Reports: 

Finance Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

3. New Business:  

a. Audit – 1st meeting 7/6/2022; Full week July 25th, 2022 

Rules and Regulations:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business:  

a. New Board Member Introduction –Darrel Davis | Swearing In  

b. Open Board Member position(s) and/or expiring terms – John McMorrow and  Bob Turner 

3. New Business:  

a. Executive Board positions & committees | Vote  

Building and Grounds Committee:  

1. Manager’s report 

2. Unfinished Business: 

a. Heritage Days 

b. Lower level bathroom renovation 

c. Parking lot – work completed 

d. 5 year plan – Meet after July meeting; yearly walk through of building

Board Meeting Agenda Document # ADM-2 Form Revision: 1-10-2020 

3. New Business:  

a. Working on variety of events for upcoming months 

b. Alarm System Replacement 


Chairman’s Report – Katie Humphrey 

Other Business  

Executive Session  

Property Acquisition  


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, August 2, 2022 – Meeting: 12:00 PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive  early for lunch. Julie will not be present 

Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday August 18, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

Community Building Complex Committee Agenda

Regular Meeting                                         Thursday August 18, 2022   5:00 p.m.

Call to Order – Katie Humphrey, Chairman


Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting, July 28, 2022

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Bowley

Approval of Bills

Audience/Visitor Participation:

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee:

Chair:  Bob Bowley    Committee Members:   Don Banks, Darrel Davis

Rules and Regulations Committee:

Chair:  Katie Humphrey   Committee Members:  Kris Hall, Joy Bauman

Building and Grounds Committee:

Chair:  John McMorrow   Committee Members:  Bob Turner, Ron Wait

Chairman’s Report – Katie Humphrey

Other Business

Executive Session  (Read purpose make motion and vote)

Action taken as a result of Executive Session:  (Motion and vote)

Property Acquisition


Other Info:  

Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, September 6, 2022 –  Meeting:  12:00 PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive early for lunch.   

Next Regular Board Meeting:  Thursday September 15, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 9/15/2022 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote a. Closed (Executive Session) Meeting Minutes dated 7/28/2022 

b. Board Meeting Minutes dated 8/18/2022 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

∙ Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion ∙ Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion ∙ Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion 

9. Unfinished Business 

A. Audit final report | Approval to file Motion to file | Roll call vote B. Cancelled Events - Refund | Approval to refund Mgr. Julie Sullinger C. Property Purchase 127 W. 2nd Street | Update Mgr. Julie Sullinger D. Back to School Food Truck Event | Recap Mgr. Julie Sullinger E. Lower level bathroom renovation | Update Chair: John McMorrow F. Parking Lot “Manley Lot” Signage |Approval Mgr. Julie Sullinger G. 5 year plan | Update on building walk through Chair: John McMorrow 

10. New Business 

A. Heat/Air Yearly Maintenance | Approval to proceed Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

11. Chairman’s Report 

12. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote Note: (Must state and record reason for closed session; closed session must be recorded) 13. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 

14. Round table comments/community update 

15. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, October 4, 2022 – Meeting: 12:00  PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive early for lunch. Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday  October 20, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building Complex 

16. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for September 15, 2022 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1

COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 10/20/2022 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote a. Board Meeting Minutes dated 9/15/22 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

A. Audit final report | Approval to file Motion to file | Roll call vote 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

B. Tax money deposited September | Discussion  

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation-Bid end Oct. | Update  

B. 5 year plan – Curtains cleaned | Discussion 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

C. Property purchase closed 9/19/22 | Discussion  

9. Unfinished Business None 

10. New Business 

A. PT/Custodian/Handyman – Starting the Search| Discussion Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

11. Chairman’s Report 

12. Closed Session Motion/Roll call vote Note: (Must state and record reason for closed session; closed session must be recorded) 13. Return to Open Session – Action taken Motion to approve | Roll call vote 14. Round table comments/community update 

15. Meeting Schedule | Next Committee Mtg: - Tuesday, November 1, 2022 – Meeting:  12:00 PM @ Ned’s Diner; Arrive early for lunch. Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday  November 17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Community Building Complex Board Room 

16. Meeting adjournment Motion |Voice vote

Community Building Complex Meeting Agenda for October 20, 2022 5 p.m. Page 1 of 1 

COMMUNITY BUILDING COMPLEX OF BOONE COUNTY Thursday 11/17/2022 5:00 PM Location: 111 W. First Street Meeting Room Belvidere, IL 61008 Regular Board Meeting Agenda 

1. Call to order: Katie Humphrey, Chairman Ron Wait, Vice Chair 

Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Roll call for attendance 

3. Meeting agenda Motion to approve | Voice vote Note: To amend the agenda you need a motion and voice vote | then another motion  and voice vote to accept amended agenda 

4. Meeting minutes Motion to approve | Voice vote a. Board Meeting Minutes dated 10/20/22 

5. Treasurer’s Financial Report Chair: Bob Bowley Motion to file | Voice vote 6. Approval for bills to be paid Motion to approve | Roll call vote 7. Public Input  

8. Committee reports 

Finance Committee Report Chair: Bob Bowley Discussion Committee Members: Don Banks; Darrel Davis 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Rules & Regulations Report Chair: Katie Humphrey Discussion Committee Members: Joy Bauman; Kris Hall 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

Building & Grounds Report Chair: John McMorrow Discussion Committee Members: Bob Turner; Ron Wait 

A. Lower level bathroom renovation- | Update 

▪ Pre-Bid Walkthrough November 17 @ 2 pm 

▪ Bid opening December 1, 2022 at 2 p.m. 

B. 5 year plan – Lower Level – Painting | Discussion 

C. Part time custodian/handyman | Update 

Manager Report Mgr. Julie Sullinger 

9. Unfinished Business None 

10. New Business